The irritating thing is that Fast and Furious was a part of Project
Gunrunner. The ATF began Project Gunrunner as a pilot project in
Laredo, Texas, in 2005 and expanded it as a national initiative in
2006. So Holder, who btw did a great job as the DC AG, has to take the
blame for a Bush initiated project. Yes you don't hear a peep from the
reich wing about that part of it. I guess its only a bad thing if a
Democratic Party  member is in power.

On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 3:09 PM, Judah McAuley <> wrote:
> I think Mitt gets the GOP nod but he chooses Tim Pawlenty for the Veep
> spot. Allen West is an interesting choice and would give Biden a run
> for gaffs but I think that after a long primary of tacking hard right
> to try and appeal to primary voters, Romney will have to chose a more
> centrist VP to reaffirm the non-threatening image that he's been
> trying trying to run away from. West would satisfy social issues
> voters on the right but do you think the general election will really
> be fought on social issues?
> I think Biden stays. Hillary is stepping down at the end of the term
> but I think she'd do better stepping out of the limelight for a bit
> and building elsewhere if she really wants to run in 2016.
> Wouldn't be surprised to see Holden opt out of a second term (if Obama
> wins) but I don't think he resigns in disgrace. Fast and Furious seems
> like the mostly likely candidate to bring him down and I think they've
> waded through the bulk of that and nothing big has stuck. I'm not
> happy with his recent pronouncements on the legal rational for
> extra-judicial killings and I'd love to see people keep fighting for
> FOIA access to the real documents. But if torture didn't take down an
> AG in the Bush admin, I just don't see how this would take down Holder
> as much as I might like it to.
> Affordable Care Act gets largely punted by the Supreme Court. They'll
> rule the individual mandate constitutional, probably invalidate a
> couple bits here and there and then say that a lot of it lacks
> timeliness because the main provisions don't take effect until 2014
> and you can't sue without showing injury.
> I think Obama wins in the general election by at least 3% popular vote
> and 100 electoral votes and, in particular, he takes Ohio which seals
> the deal.
> Democrats hold the Senate, barely, with Angus King stepping in as an
> independent in Maine and caucusing with the Ds
> Republicans hold the House but Democrats regain some of the ground
> they lost in the mid-terms, picking up 20 seats.
> Multi-national force heads to Syria. Status quo rules on Iran.
> Cheers,
> Judah

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