To be fair, he was told to 'stand down' by the 911 operator. Its
possible the person he spoke with is NOT a police officer or even
employed by the police.

Different places do thigns differently with 911. Where I worked in NJ,
the 2 counties I worked in regularly had the 911 services run by the
County Sheriff's Office. The dispatchers were not law enforcement
officials, an din those 2 counties, deputy's did not perform any
patrol duties - they pretty much served warrants, guarded the
courthouse and ran the county jail.

On the flip side, where I live now, 911 is run by a separate group,
not affiliated with the county sheriff's office.

Either way, he was told to stand down...that is very clear from the
tapes that have been released.

On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 3:54 PM, Eric Roberts
<> wrote:
> What part of being told by police, "Do not pursue"  and continuing to pursue
> is in the realm of doing the right thing?  This screams PR show to me.  The
> fact ofd the matter is that he continued to purse Martin after being told by
> police not to, which makes him the aggressor in this case and he should be
> in jail, regardless if the shooting was accidental or not.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dana []
> Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 1:54 AM
> To: cf-community
> Subject: just checked to make sure cf-community was online
> I have been getting bombarded on another list about this and am surprised
> nobody here has mentioned it:
> artin-remarks-disgraceful/
> I know Maureen thinks we should ignore the idiots but I am not sure that's
> what's called for here. The SF NPR station has a morning call-in show that's
> normally quite intellectual, but today angry people were calling up who were
> absolutely convinced that Zimmerman was the victim. Apparently FOX news
> claims it's found a witness who says Trayvon was beating him up. No, really.
> I actually have found a link that substantiates that FOX says this.
> I get that this is and Sanford is in Central Florida and
> Zimmerman is half Hispanic.
> rge-zimmerman-report-says/
> But I mean, really? REALLY? Thought he was doing the right thing??????????

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