I came across this write up today about the Oklahoma Surgery Center.

Market-Based, Deeply-Discounted Surgery for Cash, Payable in Advance

Below is a price schedule from the heroic Surgery Center of Oaklahoma. It's
what an Obamacare free, non-government intrusive medical care industry
would start to look like. Given the regulation surrounding the healthcare
sector it is quite amazing this surgery center has been able to fight
through the red tape to provide the low prices they are. Free the
healthcare industry from government red tape and we would see falling
medical care prices everywhere in the country and who knows what kind of
The article contains a list of surgeries here and their prices.
"The Surgery Center of Oklahoma <http://surgerycenterok.com/index.php> is a
32,535 square foot, state-of-the-art multispecialty facility in Oklahoma
City, owned and operated by approximately 40 of the top surgeons and
anesthesiologists in central Oklahoma. The facility has been accredited by
the AAAHC since 1998 without interruption and has annually provided care to
thousands of patients. If you have a high deductible or are part of a
self-insured plan at a large company, you owe it to yourself or your
business to take a look at our facility and pricing which is listed on this
site. If you are considering a trip to a foreign country to have your
surgery, you should look here first. Finally, if you have no insurance at
all, this facility will provide quality and pricing that we believe are

>From the FAQ section <http://www.surgerycenterok.com/faq.php>:

"To keep our prices as low as possible, cashier's checks or cash are the
methods preferred. Credit cards and personal checks cannot be accepted.
Human resource departments or divisions of self-insured companies can make
other arrangements if necessary.

Payment in full is required at the time service is rendered. No payment
arrangements can be made. These deeply-discounted prices are otherwise not


I got interested in the Oklahoma Surgery Center and looked up more about
them.  One of the doctors at the center is G. Keith Smith.  He has a very
interesting blog:  http://surgerycenterofoklahoma.tumblr.com/

Here are some excerpts:

TV story reveals hospital pricing illegitimacy

KOCO TV, here in Oklahoma City, did a story on our facility and the
center’s transparent and packaged pricing recently.  You can view it here.
 In response to the question ..”how can you be so much cheaper than the
hospitals..”  I said, “..we didn’t have an administrator in a $3000 suit.”
 While this is true, there is a better answer, I think, to this question.

The question posed presumes that the prices charged by the hospitals are
reasonable and legitimate, when in fact, they are not.  The question is
not, “how can you be so much cheaper, ” but rather, “how can they justify
charging ten times what we do,” as is the case, much of the time.  Starting
with the notion or idea that hospital charges are legitimate is a mistake.
 The lack of the free market in medicine (well…except for places like The
Surgery Center of Oklahoma!) has guaranteed the absence of rational
pricing.  Mises made this point in his brilliant book “Socialism.”
 Economic systems without rational pricing are always doomed to fail as the
feedback to producers and consumers is faulty, resulting in inevitable
surpluses or shortages.  I have told people recently that we won’t really
know whether our prices are “right” until we have competitors displaying
their prices, bringing about the price competition that is so sorely needed
in healthcare.  I think that 1/10 of the hospitals’ price is a great
starting place though!

I have been approached by insurance companies that offered payment
contracts to our facility based on a super-percentage of Medicare.  ”We
will pay you 125% of the Medicare rate.”  You should see the looks of
consternation I get when I tell these executives that Medicare rates mean
nothing to me, that these numbers are arbitrary, capricious and not
legitimate. But “Medicare” pricing, which is completely illegitimate, is
the standard.  Why?  Because most have weakly accepted it as such.  My
point here is that hospital charges should command our scrutiny, not
represent some mysterious standard.

If you are inclined towards socialism or socialized medicine, you will
probably not like this guy.  The blog is probably still worth checking out
just to see what a free market guy has to say about health care.



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