" Alternatively a single payer system like Canada's makes the
prisoner's dilemma
not relevant here. It can come from the general tax base or require people
to pay premiums and copays. the current system is so wasteful. Consider
this, the largest hospital in Ontario has a 3 person office to handle
insurance claims. A 2 doctor practice has at least double that. "

Maybe the 2 doctor practice has so much more paperwork and red tape to jump
through for reimbursements that it has to employ more people.  Hmmm, if so
why would that be?

Anyway, Dr Smith has some interesting things to say about the Canadian
health care system.  Here's a link:

I like his link to this article:  Doctors at several Canadian hospitals
routinely accepted bribes from patients to expedite surgeries in publicly
funded health care

One of the major pitfalls of government-run universal health care is long
waiting lists for patients who require involved procedures, a situation
that often devolves into a "black market" of medical care where patients
willing and able to fork over large cash sums are able to move to the front
of the line for medical procedures. And this is precisely what has been
taking place in Montreal, Canada, where doctors have allegedly been
charging patients thousands of dollars in secret fees in order for them to
gain priority in receiving medical care.

Learn more:

This is interesting to:

Block Grants and Canadian Health Care

Block granting certain entitlement programs to the states, namely Medicaid,
is a hot topic.  The RSC (Republican Study Committee) led by Rep. Jordan
has proposed legislation to effect this.  As anticipated, the usual
suspects are crying foul.  You know, the stupid people out in the
individual states just simply can’t make the right decisions without the
expert’s guiding hand in D.C.  Can’t leave these ignorant and cruel states
to their own devices, you know.

But here’s a thought.  The same crowd that is decrying the block granting
of Medicaid, is the same crowd that finds favor with the health care system
in Canada.  Why does this matter?  Well…ready?..*.because the Canadian
government administers their health care system with block grants to the
provinces*.  Ouch.  This inconsistency is just too delicious to pass up.

There’s more.  You see, the Canadian government sends the money to the
provinces and when it’s gone, it’s gone.  That’s why they have waiting
lists.  Here, Uncle Sam responds to requests for money and what they don’t
send is made up for by the states.  All the while, Uncle Sam is telling the
states what services they must provide, no matter how much of the
difference state revenues must account for.  A certain recipe for budget
problems at the state level, and something that would be remedied with
block grants.

Think of a Canadian health card like a pre-paid phone card on a party line.
 Ever hear your elders talk about the good old days when phones shared a
party line, that is, when multiple people shared the same phone line?
 That’s Canadian health care.  You have  a pre-paid card, on which millions
of others are running up charges, so that at any given time, you don’t know
whether the card is worth anything or not.  It is certainly worth less on
Tuesday than the prior Monday!  In the U.S., the card has a backup card
held by the state governments, the limits of which are being tapped out by
the insanity of federal mandates related to Medicaid.



Ninety percent of politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation.
- Henry Kissinger

Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the tunnel,
go out and buy some more tunnel. - Jo

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