According to some former cabinet members, there were meetings before
9/11 about the possibility of invading Iraq.

On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 12:14 PM, GMoney <> wrote:
> On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 11:02 AM, Sam <> wrote:
>> No but we can state the obvious.
>> Most of the top democrats wanted the war and they cared not about the Bush
>> 41.
>> Bush 43 appointed realists like Colin Powell and had advisers like
>> Baker before 911.
>> That tells us he had no intention of an aggressive foreign policy and
>> no intentions of starting a war to avenge his dad.
>> What you got?
> I got Bush saying "He killed my daddy", and then ignoring those very people
> he hired to offer non-aggressive view points. I've got Dick Cheney, i've
> got an administration that ignored evidence to the contrary on WMD's.
> And well...i've got the war itself.

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