alright I have been reading around on this site.  This site has got to be a 
joke.....or I hope it is.  This to me sounds like a very religous focused affair.  
Everything on that site is geared towards "Hating America" and Christian's and Jews.  
I think a lot of people (people not on this list) need to understand that this problem 
will not go away.........

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/13/02 02:44AM >>>
A couple of people here have scoffed at the idea of "They hate us because we
are free."

Well, don't take my word for it, read for yourself what Al-Qaeda spokesman
Suleiman Abu Gheith says (translation by MEMI

"America is the head of heresy in our modern world, and it leads an infidel
democratic regime that is based upon separation of religion and state and on
ruling the people by the people via legislating laws that contradict the way
of Allah and permit what Allah has prohibited. This compels the other
countries to act in accordance with the same laws in the same ways... and
punishes any country [that rebels against these laws] by besieging it, and
then by boycotting it. By so doing, [America] seeks to impose on the world a
religion that is not Allah's..."

It is heresy to be free? Democracy is the work of infidels? The separation
of church and state is a bad thing? People making their own laws is evil? We
lead by example, so we should be destroyed? And what religion do we seek to
impose? This to me sounds very much like "They hate us because we are free."

Can any sane person read this paragraph and still say with a straight face,
"We need to address the root causes of terrorism"?

And for those who criticize Bush's hawkish statements, especially his call
for preemptive strikes against terror targets, might this give them pause:

"We have the right to kill 4 million Americans - 2 million of them
children - and to exile twice as many and wound and cripple hundreds of
thousands. Furthermore, it is our right to fight them with chemical and
biological weapons, so as to afflict them with the fatal maladies that have
afflicted the Muslims because of the [Americans'] chemical and biological

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