Yeah, my State Dept peeps are really distraught. Not the first time
our people have been killed, of course, but ugh.

A friend of mine reposted this from another friend in the State
Department. I think it is very well put:

"You should know...The Foreign Service is a mystery to most Americans.
If you're reading this and not in the Foreign Service I may be your
only link to America's diplomats. Today, two of our missions were
attacked and it's likely one of my colleagues was killed.

It's true that diplomats go to fancy receptions and meet interesting
people, but it's also true that they go to the sorts of places the
State Department tells you not to go; war zones with large military
presences like Afghanistan and until last December Iraq. They also
volunteer, however, to go to countries largely without the military,
like Egypt and Libya, where today's attacks happened. And they don't
just go. They raise the flag. Their sole job is to say, "I am an
American and this is what we stand for.". It is a brave thing to do in
places where anti-American sentiment is often palpable. It has a cost.

As someone trained in the Marine Corps it makes sense that I would
volunteer to go to these places. That's not particularly brave. Most
of your fellow Americans in the Foreign Service who go to these places
and risk their lives do so without the security of having been a
Marine, but with faith in our country and the desire to do their part
in projecting America's innate goodness to the world.

We are, as a nation, blessed with troops who are more courageous and
more just than any the world has seen. We are equally blessed with
diplomats, like my colleague today, prepared to make the ultimate
sacrifice in the name of America and its promise."

That was yesterday, before we knew what went down in Libya. My friend
also said that the President came by the State Department today
express his condolences at the loss of their colleagues. One of those
things that probably won't make it in the press but I'm really glad to
hear that he took the time to do that. It meant a lot to those folks.


On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Larry C. Lyons <> wrote:
> "A Jewish idiot makes a film, a Christian idiot promotes it, Muslim
> idiots kill over it, and Republican idiots condemn Obama."
> @johnlundin
> On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 11:12 AM, LRS Scout <> wrote:
>> You guys following this shit?

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