Thanks for posting.

Just a sad, shitty thing all the way around. So fucking sick of religious

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 2:06 PM, Judah McAuley <> wrote:

> Yeah, my State Dept peeps are really distraught. Not the first time
> our people have been killed, of course, but ugh.
> A friend of mine reposted this from another friend in the State
> Department. I think it is very well put:
> "You should know...The Foreign Service is a mystery to most Americans.
> If you're reading this and not in the Foreign Service I may be your
> only link to America's diplomats. Today, two of our missions were
> attacked and it's likely one of my colleagues was killed.
> It's true that diplomats go to fancy receptions and meet interesting
> people, but it's also true that they go to the sorts of places the
> State Department tells you not to go; war zones with large military
> presences like Afghanistan and until last December Iraq. They also
> volunteer, however, to go to countries largely without the military,
> like Egypt and Libya, where today's attacks happened. And they don't
> just go. They raise the flag. Their sole job is to say, "I am an
> American and this is what we stand for.". It is a brave thing to do in
> places where anti-American sentiment is often palpable. It has a cost.
> As someone trained in the Marine Corps it makes sense that I would
> volunteer to go to these places. That's not particularly brave. Most
> of your fellow Americans in the Foreign Service who go to these places
> and risk their lives do so without the security of having been a
> Marine, but with faith in our country and the desire to do their part
> in projecting America's innate goodness to the world.
> We are, as a nation, blessed with troops who are more courageous and
> more just than any the world has seen. We are equally blessed with
> diplomats, like my colleague today, prepared to make the ultimate
> sacrifice in the name of America and its promise."
> That was yesterday, before we knew what went down in Libya. My friend
> also said that the President came by the State Department today
> express his condolences at the loss of their colleagues. One of those
> things that probably won't make it in the press but I'm really glad to
> hear that he took the time to do that. It meant a lot to those folks.
> Cheers,
> Judah
> On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Larry C. Lyons <>
> wrote:
> >
> > "A Jewish idiot makes a film, a Christian idiot promotes it, Muslim
> > idiots kill over it, and Republican idiots condemn Obama."
> > @johnlundin
> >
> > On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 11:12 AM, LRS Scout <> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> You guys following this shit?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >

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