".....*sigh*...doesn't this shit happen to other parents too???"

Only the real ones.

The ones on TV shows make it look easy.

I saw a news segment early this year about Mothers who are
feeling inadequate and unable to keep up with the perceived demands of
motherhood.  In order to catch up, they have started taking their
children's ADHD medicine (Adderall).

If you watch the segment, it almost seems like a drug commercial for
Adderall.  It starts out with the problem (getting behind), gives the
solution (adderall), gives the benefits (more productivity), tells where to
get the drug (lie to the doctor), and finally ends with the bad stuff
(addiction and gateway drug potential).

Here's the story:



To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of
opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical. -
Thomas Jefferson

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