His statement is in the future tense, he was saying what never will happen,
not what did happen.

He also had already been informed by the CIA that it was an organized
attack, and not related to the movie.

He lied about it, and his response since then has been laughable.

On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 8:35 PM, Eric Roberts <
ow...@threeravensconsulting.com> wrote:

> > Let's start with how the Benghazi story was first put out, that it was
> > not a terrorist act, but rather started by a video
> >
> > *********************
> > Did you read the transcript of the rose garden speech the following day?
> > ***********************
> Yes, four paragraphs up from the end he says "No acts of terror will ever
> shake the resolve of this great nation,.....". Nice play on words. Never
> said it was a terrorist act, or something done by terrorists. He said no
> acts of terror.
> >
> Play on words?  Seriously Bruce?  What else would he be referring to?
> ------------------------------------
> Three Ravens Consulting
> Eric Roberts
> Owner/Developer
> ow...@threeravensconsulting.com
> tel: 630-486-5255
> fax: 630-310-8531
> http://www.threeravensconsulting.com
> ------------------------------------
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruce Sorge [mailto:sor...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 7:30 PM
> To: cf-community
> Subject: Re: anyone watch last night's debate?
> >
> >
> > Let's start with how the Benghazi story was first put out, that it was
> > not a terrorist act, but rather started by a video
> >
> > *********************
> > Did you read the transcript of the rose garden speech the following day?
> > ***********************
> Yes, four paragraphs up from the end he says "No acts of terror will ever
> shake the resolve of this great nation,.....". Nice play on words. Never
> said it was a terrorist act, or something done by terrorists. He said no
> acts of terror.
> >
> > Fast and furious began under the Bush administration
> > ***************
> > It did...Bush also tried doing the same thing and failed as well.
> > **************
> Fast and furious started in OCtober 2009, months into the President's term.
> Yes, Bush did other similar tactics, but Fast and Furious was not started
> by
> Bush.
> >
> > Says his budget will cut the deficit by 4 trillion over 10 years
> He is basically saying that among other things in his plan, the savings
> from
> the wars ending will help reduce the deficit, oh, and he will raise the
> debt
> ceiling. So when a college student finished college, he/she suddenly has an
> influx of cash at hand? No, they have to pay back their loans, just as we
> have to pay for the wars somehow, and raising the debt ceiling is not the
> way.
> >
> > You didn't build that
> > ************
> > It was a very true statement.  None of the businesses were built on a
> > deserted island.
> > **************
> Yeah, Obama personally went to each and every business and helped them
> build
> it. No, not really. Small businesses were started by hard working people.
> Sure some had to borrow the money, but so what? The people who built the
> business built it with their ideas, their business plan and so on.
> >
> > During 2012 state of the union, said that American oil production is
> > at it's highest in eight years
> > ***************
> > That is true too...There was a boom in one of the Dakota's and Texas
> > that has reduced the need for imports to forty something
> > percent...down from sixty something (IK don't recal the exact numbers
> > offhand)
> > *************************
> This is mostly true.
> http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2012/jan/24/barack-obama/
> barack-obama-says-us-oil-production-eight-year-hig/
> >
> > Says he has done more for Israel's security than any other president
> > *********************
> > So does Ehud Barak and Shimon Perez...they also said that
> > ******************
> My bad, I was thinking of his middle east apology tour where he skipped
> Israel.
> >
> > Said that the jobs bill was paid for
> > ***************
> > Which jobs bill?  I don't recell hearing him say that...
> > ************
> Sorry, I meant to say that his jobs bill would be paid for and would not
> raise the deficit. Problem is that all the money that goes to social
> programs is already being spent, and any program that cannot be paid for by
> taxes is paid on credit.
> >
> > Said that there is no where else in the US to drill for oil
> > **************
> > Bullshit...he never said that.  He has said on several occasions that
> > Oil companies have plenty of unused drilling areas that they can drill
> > on to get oil, which is why drilling on public lands has declined
> > ***********
> I should have added that he said there are not many places on the ground to
> drill, that we had to go deep water.
> >
> > Said that there were no boots on the ground in Libya , but yet the
> > AC-130 gunships just happen to be able to hit their targets without a
> spotter?
> > Weird.
> > *************
> > Unless you have proof, there were no boots on the ground.  Don't you
> > think they could have used Libyan assets to do that?
> > ***********
> > OK, fine, we'll call a draw on this one since you know more about
> military
> operations than I do.
> >
> > The list goes on and on and these are just some of the things in the
> > last 3+ years I an think of off the top of my head.
> >
> > And the best one ever (not a lie really, just taking credit for
> > someone else's work) is how he takes credit for taking troops out of
> > Iraq when in actuality the plan was already put in place before he
> > took office. And then he failed to come up with a SOFA agreement to
> > keep limited troops there in case shit pops off like it has. So basically
> he left Iraq hanging.
> >
> > ************
> > No...There was no SOFA because Iraq wouldn't agree to our terms.  I
> > think you need to try harder...
> > ********
> > Again, OK, fine. Obama does not know how to negotiate well.
> I have made my points and I am done with this conversation. I need to go
> watch SOA and then get ready for PT in the morning.
> >
> >

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