You can see the fear in their eyes.  They know.  I am not a vegan or
anything like that.  I do feel that we should treat these animals with
respect and make their time alive as good as possible as they are giving
their lives for our sustenance.  When we kill them, it should be as humane
and painless as we possibly can.  It's one of the reasons I try to get local
meat from local farmers as they are not like the corporate ranches where
animals are very inhumanely housed and treated.  You can taste the
difference from an animal that was treated well while it was alive and
killed humanely over one that came from a corporate ranch.  The meat tastes
different. That is probably due to the hormones and other body chemicals
present in the flesh as a result of all of the stress and fear.

Three Ravens Consulting
Eric Roberts
tel: 630-486-5255
fax: 630-310-8531

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam [] 
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 11:19 PM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: You have to wonder about those against same sex marriage

>From what I read way back about Kosher killing of cattle was they don't know
it, they don't feel it and as the bleed out they get sleepy. Very peaceful.
The con is that all cattle know they're in a slaughterhouse because they
smell the death. I haven't looked into it anymore in fear of not liking the
answer but I do know that smell from driving through California.


On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 11:54 PM, Maureen <> wrote:
> I wonder if the pig thinks having his throat slit is humane.
> On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 8:52 PM, Judah McAuley <>
>> Yeah, actually, I find manual butchering by people who know what they 
>> are doing pretty humane. I'm planning on taking further classes in it 
>> next year. I have a neighbor who just did his first major hog 
>> slaughter, 5 pigs I think. Definitely a step up from the chickens and 
>> turkeys that he and I have done and a different psychological edge to 
>> it to be sure. But humane? Definitely.

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