Where's the distortion you mention?
Sounds exactly like what Bruce said.

Why does Obama and his supporters want revenge? What did Romney do to them?


On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 10:16 AM, Larry C. Lyons <larrycly...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Nice bit of distortion Bruce. Why not look at what was really said
> instead of parrotting the republican talking points. Look at actually
> was said, Obama responded to a crowd booing at the mention of Romney's
> name by saying "No, no, no, Don't boo. Vote. Voting is the best
> revenge."
> http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/265625-obama-voting-is-best-revenge-against-romney
> So it would seem that he was trying to be civil discouraging his
> followers from inappropriate behavior as he had multiple times before.
> It seems like a real desperate act by the Romney campaign to turn an
> effort to be civil into something much more sinister. Again typical of
> the contempt that Romney and his operatives have for the electorate,
> you know the 47% he dislikes.

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