Back to my original question. Revenge for what? 

Sent from my iPhone 4S. 

On Nov 4, 2012, at 11:16 AM, "Larry C. Lyons" <> wrote:

> Nice bit of distortion Bruce. Why not look at what was really said
> instead of parrotting the republican talking points. Look at actually
> was said, Obama responded to a crowd booing at the mention of Romney's
> name by saying "No, no, no, Don't boo. Vote. Voting is the best
> revenge."
> So it would seem that he was trying to be civil discouraging his
> followers from inappropriate behavior as he had multiple times before.
> It seems like a real desperate act by the Romney campaign to turn an
> effort to be civil into something much more sinister. Again typical of
> the contempt that Romney and his operatives have for the electorate,
> you know the 47% he dislikes.
> On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 9:13 AM, Bruce Sorge <> wrote:
>> So Obama is telling his drones to vote for revenge. His words were "voting 
>> is the best revenge". Revenge for what?
>> Sent from my iPhone 4S.

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