"Anecdotal evidence is always worthless. Always."

Until it suits your purpose.

"And the right still believes there is some bearded guy in the sky guiding our
destiny but they can't prove it"

No one on the left believes in this?  You have a hidden prejudice here?
 Are all leftists godless?

"Wow...now you are starting to make excuses for both sides. If I did not know
better, I might think you aluminum hat is on a bit too tight."

I am not making excuses for anyone.  I am saying that it would be
interesting to watch the fallout.  Hence the words:  "It would be
interesting . . ."

"I have no issue with being asked to show ID when voting."

There's hope for yet then.



What we have is a bunch of entities that should have failed, it would have
brought religion to the system, it would have been a good thing, but we
prohibited that from happening. - Rick Santelli

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