On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 12:15 PM, Jerry Barnes <critic...@gmail.com> wrote:

> " What part of 'always useless' are you unable or unwilling to comprehend"
> The part you left out, which is "... until it suits my need.".

I said, it is always worthless  Always.  Stop trying to read into something
as simple as 'always worthless' - no hidden meaning, agenda there.

> "I did not say that, and you know it. Nice red herring."
> I can only go by what you wrote.
>  You basically said the left is godless.  You are entitled to your opinion.
>  I disagree.  I know plenty of leftists who could be called good
> Christians.  I know many conservatives who call themselves atheist .
> You can call it a red herring, but it doesn't change what you wrote.

You are not going by what I wrote because I never said 'the left is
godless'. You made that part up. Me saying one side believes in God does
not mean I said the other side does not.

Let's follow that logic elsewhere:

Scott: The Atlantic Ocean is made of salt water.
Jerry: Holy shit, Scott said the Pacific Ocean is not made of salt water.

See how ridiculous that sounds?

> "You have mentioned 'voter fraud' a few time when discussing the outcome
> of the
> election. "
> Yet I didn't mention it there and you are implying I meant it.  You must
> take your mind reading show on the road.  Make some money.

You did mention it. Funny how you see things I did not write,
but cannot see things that you did.

> "Seems like you are convinced, wither way, the winner will be determined by
> fraud."
> Depends on what you mean by fraud.  Election fraud or general fraud.  Since
> both men are liars, then, yes, it will be determined by fraud.  If you mean
> election fraud, we'll have to wait and see.

Hard to argue with the pint about politicians lying. Seems it has become
acceptable for all to do it. Shame, actually.

> "If only the partisan hacks on either side could take the blinders off for
> a few minutes and allow common sense to seep into the conversation, maybe
> we could get somewhere with this (and other issues)."f
> Exactly.  That's what I have been hoping you would do.  You refuse and keep
> them firmly in place.  So be it.  It is your right.

I really have no idea what your point is here.

Scott Stroz
You can make things happen, you can watch things happen or you can wonder
what the f*&k happened. - Cpt. Phil Harris


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