You miss the point, productive folk vote R. People on the dole vote
for more free stuff. Only the D's will keep the free spigot open.
Infrastructure won't help if people are trained to accept handouts
instead of hard work. We're at 47 million people on food stamps.
Welcome to the new America.


On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Gruss Gott <> wrote:
> Sam <> wrote:
>> It's more like they can't find a job so someone has to pay for them.
>> I'd rather have the out working. But that's me, evil white guy.
> I we should want everybody to be productive - that's been America's
> secret for 200 years: we innovate and we employ (the assembly line,
> the computer, et al).  And anytime you have resources that aren't
> productive you're not operating efficiently.  Like Adam Smith said,
> every good capitalist knows that a waste of resources impoverishes us
> all.
> The government's role is, IMO, to create equal opportunity for all so
> that we can get all resources productive.  We can best do that with
> infrastructure like roads, airports, rail, etc.  But physically
> getting workers ready is not enough they also need education,
> healthcare, and retirement security.  (There's also regulation like
> FAA, FDA, FCC, etc)
> If the US wants to compete with Europe, Asia, and others (who have
> federal infrastructure) we're going to have to invest in ALL of our
> infrastructure and we have to decide if we want our country to compete
> or each state.  Our education, medicaid, etc is all state-run which
> means it's really the state providing some of the infrastructure for
> their workers to compete globally.
> IMO, we can't win that way.  We need federal infrastructure so our
> country can compete globally; if we don't do that the decline will
> continue.

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