My totally unsubstantiated opinion on this is as follows.

I think the administration knew full well that he was sleeping around.  I
think they held onto it until they needed it.  A man at his level doesn't
just decide to up and become a hound dog one night.  It's not nice to say
but in the alpha type military community cheating is very very common (my
experiences have brought me to believe that monogamy isn't natural to
humans).  I seriously doubt this was the first time, and it fit the
administration's need for some slight of hand over Benghazi and a ton of
other issues (it's the economy stupid!!).  Also I mean look, people at all
levels of government, on both sides of the isle, have been caught with
their pants down.  How often does it cost them their jobs?  Yeah The
Generals could be nailed under UCMJ, but they haven't been charged as far
as I know.  So why are they losing their jobs?

Smoke and mirrors man, smoke and mirrors.

On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 2:57 AM, Gruss Gott <> wrote:

> Ya know, having seen this pretty good movie that basically posits a
> cover so crazy that you have to believe it ... wondering if the
> s3x-pentagon that is the Patreaus scandal is just such a thing?

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