"Perhaps I am read the wrong description of the proposed change to the law. All
I see is 'you couldn't choose before, now you can'. Period."

That about sums it up.

"I don't see anything in the law change that explicitly gets rid of any unions
unless they can't stand on their own two feet without mandatory

Gee.  It's almost like Darwinism, which is big on the left when it comes to
creation.  Looks like an idea the left could support.

"Why would virtually everyone choose to simultaneously leave the union, causing
it's collapse, if it's doing so much good?"

Quit being rational.

Bottom line, without forced inscription, the money will be cut off.  When
the money is cut off, the political clout goes.  When the political clout
goes, the unions no longer have any power.  When they no longer have power,
they can no longer extort employers and enrich their leaders.  That is why
the left and the unions are fighting this with all that they have.  They no
longer care about the members, but they love money and power.



Those politicians, professors and union bosses who curse big business are
fighting for a lower standard of living. - Ludwig von Mises

I will worry about the children when they can vote in union elections. -
Albert Shanker (president of the American Federation of Teachers)

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