Also, by box I meant carbboard not pine :)
On Dec 12, 2012 8:50 AM, "Jerry Barnes" <> wrote:

> "It doesn't get rid of unions, there are many states with right to work
> laws,
> and they still have millions of union members. "
> Don't confuse people with common sense or facts.
> "The workers who choose not to pay dues are CHOOSING not to be represented,
> no?  Shouldn't they have that choice?"
> Look what the unions did for all those Hostess workers who weren't members.
>  Union Strong!
> "I don't see how it's even constitutional for states to have enforced this
> type of thing to begin with."
> It isn't.  But neither is forcing someone to buy a product, killing
> American citizens without due process, black bagging citizens, and so on.
>  It's what we have and it's not going to change.
> Anyway, as typical, after the unions didn't get their way, their thugs
> started beating people up, destroying other people's property, and
> threatening bloodshed.  Union Strong!
> J
> -
> We took names. We watched how they voted. We know where they live. - Andy
> Stern

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