You don't have to believe in the bible to know that it is a huge
influence in our society. The idea of expunging it from our lives is
to rob future generations of history and knowledge that brought us to
where we are. Whether  it's true are not doesn't matter in the large
scheme of things, the fact that it's made civilization better is what
counts. Sure there were some really bad times caused by it, but in
general more good than bad has come of it. Like many Chinese proverbs
can be attributed to common sense, they are still lessons to many. The
bible is part of our education that got us here so it should not be
frowned upon but respected for it's impact.


On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 11:34 AM, zaphod <> wrote:
> really?  Let's see
> 1. You shall have no other gods before me. --- nope, no laws about that
> 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image --- wow, hope there's not 
> any laws against that….Catholics would all be in prison
> 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy god in vain --- goddamn right!
> 4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy --- you heard it right -- get 
> your ass to church or be arrested.
> 5. Honour thy father and thy mother -- Emancipation, screw that, it doesn't 
> exist
> 6. Thou shalt not kill --- DING DING DING -- only six in before we get to a 
> real law…err wait, we have exceptions.
> 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.  -- again, not many adulterers in jail let 
> alone being stoned.
> 8. Thou shalt not steal -- DING DING DING -- we got another!
> 9. Thou shalt not near false witness against thy neighbor --- Hmmmm we might 
> be able to say this fits some law somewhere
> 10. Thou shalt not covet.  --- This is the whole basis of the American 
> economy.  I don't think they'd ever make this illegal
> So, out of 10, we've got 2 definitely and 1 possible.  Let's face it, the 
> bible isn't the first place that came up with the idea of 'you shouldn't 
> kill' and 'you shouldn't steal'

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