On the issue of CPAC, check out this editorial by Richard  Mgrdechian

In just a few days, the largest meeting of conservatives in the country
takes place just outside Washington DC and, through some sort of divine
inspiration, will determine just what needs to be done to get this country
back on track. They call themselves CPAC – the Conservative Political
Action Committee, but I think that tends to be a bit misleading. So I
prefer to refer to them by a much more appropriate name: CPIC – the
Conservative Political Inaction Committee. After all, that would certainly
be a much better description for a $5 million self-serving waste of money
disguised as a positive, pro-American solution for all the problems this
country faces.

I have one simple question for the organizers (and the profiteers) of this
political farce: how does anything being done at this event help promote
American values of hard work, integrity and gratitude in any way? The
answer is, it doesn’t. There is no take away whatsoever. There is no
expansion of the voter base. There is no creation of any kind of value. As
usual for the establishment on the right, the whole thing is nothing but a
zero-sum game. Money goes from one pocket to another, and when everyone
leaves, there’s nothing to show for the effort. Nothing on a macro scale at
least, except maybe a few clips of the speakers on Fox, and a ton of
ridicule from all the other networks.

Let’s face it – at the end of the day, CPIC is nothing but the Academy
Awards for the Right. Pretentious people superficially congratulating each
other while all the time plotting some nefarious way to step over the other
guy. Monopoly, duopoly, collusion. It doesn’t matter. The only thing that
does matter is they are playing with your future. But that seems to have
become a big business for them: sponsors, awards, fancy hotels, and first
class airfare. Coveted parties and invites. Everyone involved gets to feel
important and live high on the hog off of other people’s money.

Of course, there is a way to get in to this whole non-profit “celebration
of meritocracy.” You could become a sponsor of the event at only $10,000 –
$50,000 a pop. That’s right. That’s how it works. Groups pay CPIC for
exposure, so they can then raise more money from you, to pay CPIC and
everyone else for even more exposure, so they can raise even more money
from you, and so on. It’s not about what can help get the country on the
right track; it’s about who can raise the most money and get those dollars
back to them the fastest.

In other words, CPIC is nothing but one big advertising platform.
Exhibitors pay for a booth, which is understandable. But what is absolutely
inexcusable (and what will be the ultimate demise of the right) is that
what CPIC brings to you in terms of ideas are not based on merit all – they
are based on the highest bidder.

And what about all the talk about CPIC wanting to reach out to the younger
demographic? Fortunately, they do have a panel on that called “Winning with
Generation X/Y” Unfortunately, the experts on the panel consist of people
from Red Alert Politics (an $18,000 sponsor), Young America’s Foundation
(another $18,000 sponsor), Generation Opportunity (an $11,000 sponsor), and
the College Republican National Committee, which somehow got away with a
$9,000 contribution. Isn’t the ACU (the parent of CPIC) supposed to be a
non-profit? Does it exist to promote itself, or the cause it supposedly

We need to face the facts: the conservative business model is broken. It
DOES NOT work. You can spend an infinite amount of money trying to sell
buggy whips and still not get anywhere. So guess what – it’s time to stop
selling buggy whips and start to make things happen. People come to
conclusions emotionally (based on their internal belief system) and then
try to justify them intellectually. THIS is the dynamic that needs to be
addressed. A generational one. A cultural one. We can spend another billion
dollars next time around, but we’re still going to lose.



Ninety percent of politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation.
- Henry Kissinger

Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the tunnel,
go out and buy some more t

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