What the criticisms about Benghazi don't state: the number of attacks that
took place during the Bush era.



"Between 2002 and 2008, seven
U.S. embassies and consulates took place in Pakistan, Syria, Uzbekistan,
Saudi Arabia, Greece, Serbia, and Yemen."
Cheney also served as Secretary of Defense during George H.W. Bush's
presidency, when there were many times more attacks on U.S. diplomatic
targets than under Obama.

What the heck guys? What were the Republicans doing during this period?
What did the committee hearings turn up then?
This is why I think it is just pure politics.

They could not authorise moving American troops within foreign territory
when the foreign government expressly said Keep Out, and Stay Put.
During a terrorist attack on the Russian Embassy, would the United States
allow Russia to move troops from one base to another within their country?
Libyan forces moved in and fought side by side with the US Embassy staff,
and it still was a clusterf*.
The fact is there were no troops nearby in Benghazi. THe nearest troops
were 480 miles away and they were scrambled to assist, they couldn't reach
in time.
The fact is that within 24 minutes the CIA team moved toward the consulate,
which was over a mile away.

As for going to a fund raiser, and not caring about Americans...that's the
type of rhetoric that tells me this is about politics.
There is no "truth" to be had, there is just the opportunity to make the
Obama administration look bad.
How many elections does it have to lose before the GOP realises that style
of politics isn't working anymore?
The people to whom that rhetoric appeals will not win them any elections.

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