reminds me of the (what do you call those stories) one where the unsavoury 
type guy wins the lottery and goes into the car dealership. The older 
salesmen take a look at the guy and pass him onto a rookie salesman - first 
day on the job.

the new millionaire buys a loaded whatever-it-was vehicle for 10 of his 
friends. no dicker - where do I sign.


From: "Raymond Camden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: CF-Community <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Satan Drives a Minivan
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 11:31:18 -0400

 >   Me being a 20-something kid with long hair walking into a
 > Ford dealership.
 >   "Hi, I'm looking to test drive a [minivan]"
 >   "I'm sorry, I can't help you."
 >   I've never been so shocked.  At the time I was test-driving every
 > mini-van on the market.  Everyone other car salesman offered
 > to get me one
 > from another dealership or use alternate ways of "searching"
 > for the car I
 > wanted.  This guy just had a 'leave me alone' attitude, so I gave up
 > looking at Ford's altogether.

I can't imagine a salesman doing this. I would _never_ assume anything
by how a customer looks. It just seems stupid.


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