Answer the question Bruce...

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Sorge [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2013 7:13 AM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: One political party holding US to ransom...

I believe that both parties should do what's best for the country, not
themselves or their lobbyists, but that'll never happen. 

Sent from my iPhone 4S. 

> On Oct 2, 2013, at 7:54 AM, Vivec <> wrote:
> All the polls say that the US is in favour of a new healthcare plan.
> The reports are saying that the costs are actually lower than what 
> were first projected.
> You think what the GOP is doing is the right way to go about it?
> So if a Republican wins and decides to pass a bill that the Democrats 
> don't agree with, you agree that shutting down the US indefinitely 
> should be an accepted form of politics?
> Or is it just this time, because it's the republicans and because it's 
> for something that you agree with?
>> On 2 October 2013 07:39, Bruce Sorge <> wrote:
>> This bill was shoved down our throat. There is a large segment of the 
>> population that never wanted it, but those in Capitol Hill don't 
>> really care what we want. They only care what they want. The only 
>> time they really care what we the people want is when it's 
>> re-election time, which is coming up soon. And then they only make 
>> empty promises. Even that wretched whore Pelosi said that we have to pass
obamacare to see what's in obamacare.
>> Really? Since when do we pass a law on something that we really don't 
>> know the contents of? I have not personally met one single person who 
>> was for this, not one. I know of some people who are for it, but I 
>> have not met them personally. Of course I have the luxury of 
>> complaining about this because I will never have to sign up for 
>> Obamacare. But that does not mean that I don't care about family members
who might have to, but don't want to.
>>> On Oct 2, 2013, at 7:30 AM, Vivec <> wrote:
>>> Why should the Democrats not fund the plan that they put in place?
>>> This plan was voted for, it was agreed upon and it has stood up to 
>>> all
>> the
>>> normal challenges that the GOP could bring against it.
>>> Why does the GOP feel it has the right to shut down a country, and 
>>> affect the entire worlds economic markets, because it did not get 
>>> what it
>> wanted?
>>> They LOST the elections. Someone else gets to lead the country until 
>>> the next elections. Deal with it.
>>> This isn't both sides. It is one side that is forcing an issue no 
>>> matter what the costs are.  Since when has raising the debt ceiling 
>>> been an open point of negotiation? And what party was the last party 
>>> to use it as
>> such?
>>> Think about it.
>>> The playground is burning, and you have two taps to turn . The GOP 
>>> says give me what I want, what I have not been able to get through 
>>> any other means, or I will not turn this tap. The playground is burning.
>>> Is that what you refer to as "negotiation" ?
>>> It is blackmail! And the segment of the population that seems 
>>> satisfied
>> to
>>> sit in the flames and nod their heads is equally baffling to me. Can 
>>> you think of the impact this can have on the bond and investment

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