Just about every item in the ACA was originally proposed by republicans.
It'sd essentially Bob Dole's alternative to the Clinton Healthcare plan.
Chuck Grassley was the author of the individual mandate...

Just because no republicans voted for it doesn't mean that it was shoved
down anyone's throats...it just means that dems had a large enough majority
to get it passed without the help of republicans.  People voted for the dems
that were in office at the time...it is called democracy Sam...

The Republicans didn't want compromise.  The ACA is a very watered down
version of what was originally proposed.  Obama was more interested in
appearing bipartisan, so he kept chipping away at the original bill to get
republicans onboard.  Republicans kept agreeing, then backing off at the
last minute and withdrawing their support.  Personally after the first time,
I think Obama should have told republicans to go fuck themselves and put up
a single payer healthcare system.  The ACA was pure capitulation to
republican demands...so in that regards...yeah...there was no
compromise...it was pure capitulation.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam [mailto:sammyc...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2013 10:53 AM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: One political party holding US to ransom...

The bill was shoved down our throats in the middle of the night behind
locked doors, I think it was Christmas eve. Not one Republican voted for it
and the majority of the people never approved it. The reason it can't be
overturned is because you need a super majority. They added that because
they knew they could even retain all the democrats support.

It did not start with a previously endorsed Republican plan, this is not the
same plan MA is using.

There was no compromise with any Republicans. All was done behind locked
doors late at night.

The Supreme court declared it legal because it's a tax. The Democrats swore
all along it wasn't.

When you say current opponents were involved in the original compromise you
are talking about Democrats with buyers remorse since no Republicans were
allowed to negotiate.

The reason they don't want to pay for it is because we can't. We don't have
the money.
The money we're printing now, QE..., is keeping the interest very low. Once
it goes to the real rate, over 6%, interest will be close to the current
budget. That's is not sustainable. It's time to fix this BS.


On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 11:19 AM, Judah McAuley <ju...@wiredotter.com> wrote:

> Perhaps you were deployed when the law was brought about and didn't 
> read the news at the time, but no, there was no "shoving down our
> There was massive amounts of compromise, all of it heading to the 
> right. It started with a previously endorsed Republican plan, then had 
> several rounds of major debate and compromise. All the "progressive" 
> amendments, like the so-called Public Option, were defeated. The only 
> parts of the bill that were not subject to extensive debate and were 
> entered at the end were all offered by Republicans.
> It's a hell of an accomplishment that they got anything related to 
> healthcare reform passed, but they pulled in pretty much the bare 
> minimum to do it. Thus is the nature of compromise.
> But, of course, many rounds of debate and compromise over the course 
> of months were not sufficient for some segments and they challenged it 
> in court (which is their legal right of course). The Supreme Court, as 
> you know, declared that Congress did do their job and actually passed 
> a bill legally and that the President signed which makes it, you know, a
> In most people's minds, that would be pretty much it. If you don't 
> like a law, of course, you know what to do. Try and pass a new law to 
> amend the existing law and make it better. Opponents of the law (who 
> curiously include now a great many who were involved in the original 
> compromises and
> passage) don't seem to have a good set of ideas on how to do that, so 
> they have become monomaniacally focused on a more petty goal: pretend 
> it isn't really the law and just not pay for it. To my mind, that is
> Cheers,
> Judah

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