Each time someone rails about spending cuts, I send them a link to the
budget page, and ask them exactly what they want to cut.  I have yet to get
a response that recommends any specific cuts - just a lot of sound and fury
about whatever the latest media buzzword is.

The average voter is massively ignorant of the reality of government
spending.  I've even had someone suggest that the National Park Service and
NPR receive more money than the Defense Department.  Also, there is a
constant meme on Facebook that suggests that all defense employees could be
pay by cutting the salaries of the President and Congress.  They obviously
have no sense of the magnitude of cost of a standing army.

I'm all for less spending, but for someone to wave the arms and yell "cut
spending" or "kill Obamacare" without any plan or clue was to what that
involves is just spin and nonsense.

On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 10:39 AM, Jerry Milo Johnson <jmi...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Actually, the problems is, although they keep talking about reigning in the
> spending, I don't see a lot of reigning going on.

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