Well I can tell you that the military is being hit hard for spending cuts. 

First of all, General Odierno recently said that there are only two Brigade 
Combat Teams that are ready for combat. Two out of the 43 we currently have.  
This is due to sequestration, which means that the DOD has to make massive 
spending cuts. Because of this, Parts and maintenance is taking a serious hit 
as well as training. Where the mechanized units used to go to Fort Irwin for 
their annual combat readiness training exercise, and light infantry units would 
go to Fort Polk for theirs, the only ones that get to go now are units that are 
deploying. Training at home station is being cut or watered down as well 
because units don’t have the funds. Taking even a company out to the field for 
a few days of training costs a lot of money. Instead, soldiers are now heading 
back to the dining facilities to perform KP, and are manning the gates at 
stateside installations, because they can’t afford the contract labor that did 
this for the last several years. 

The  plan to cut the number of BCT’s by 10 over the next four years has been 
accelerated to two years. 

Also, the Army was supposed to cut 42,000 soldiers by 2017, now that has been 
accelerated to 2015. 

The Army was operating on their 2012 budget for all of 2013 (Fiscal year which 
is october - september) and now for FY 2014, so they can’t afford anything 
anymore. The only places that are getting any money are places like here (Fort 
Benning), because it’s a basic training post. They can’t water down new 
recruits training,,,yet. Give it time though and we’ll see it. One basic 
training company did have to shave off five days of their training cycle though 
because they can’t afford to send the new soldiers home for the holidays, then 
fly them back to Ga to finish up their training. Fortunately the drill 
sergeants are thinking outside the box and they are going to have the soldiers 
do all of their training, and for the last week where they clean gear and 
weapons, they are going to be pulling some all nighters to get it done in time. 

On Oct 22, 2013, at 9:40 PM, Maureen <mamamaur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Each time someone rails about spending cuts, I send them a link to the
> budget page, and ask them exactly what they want to cut.  I have yet to get
> a response that recommends any specific cuts - just a lot of sound and fury
> about whatever the latest media buzzword is.
> The average voter is massively ignorant of the reality of government
> spending.  I've even had someone suggest that the National Park Service and
> NPR receive more money than the Defense Department.  Also, there is a
> constant meme on Facebook that suggests that all defense employees could be
> pay by cutting the salaries of the President and Congress.  They obviously
> have no sense of the magnitude of cost of a standing army.
> I'm all for less spending, but for someone to wave the arms and yell "cut
> spending" or "kill Obamacare" without any plan or clue was to what that
> involves is just spin and nonsense.
> On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 10:39 AM, Jerry Milo Johnson <jmi...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Actually, the problems is, although they keep talking about reigning in the
>> spending, I don't see a lot of reigning going on.

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