80000 over two years, was supposed to be four.....
On Oct 22, 2013 10:05 PM, "Bruce Sorge" <sor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Well I can tell you that the military is being hit hard for spending cuts.
> First of all, General Odierno recently said that there are only two
> Brigade Combat Teams that are ready for combat. Two out of the 43 we
> currently have.  This is due to sequestration, which means that the DOD has
> to make massive spending cuts. Because of this, Parts and maintenance is
> taking a serious hit as well as training. Where the mechanized units used
> to go to Fort Irwin for their annual combat readiness training exercise,
> and light infantry units would go to Fort Polk for theirs, the only ones
> that get to go now are units that are deploying. Training at home station
> is being cut or watered down as well because units don’t have the funds.
> Taking even a company out to the field for a few days of training costs a
> lot of money. Instead, soldiers are now heading back to the dining
> facilities to perform KP, and are manning the gates at stateside
> installations, because they can’t afford the contract labor that did this
> for the last several years.
> The  plan to cut the number of BCT’s by 10 over the next four years has
> been accelerated to two years.
> Also, the Army was supposed to cut 42,000 soldiers by 2017, now that has
> been accelerated to 2015.
> The Army was operating on their 2012 budget for all of 2013 (Fiscal year
> which is october - september) and now for FY 2014, so they can’t afford
> anything anymore. The only places that are getting any money are places
> like here (Fort Benning), because it’s a basic training post. They can’t
> water down new recruits training,,,yet. Give it time though and we’ll see
> it. One basic training company did have to shave off five days of their
> training cycle though because they can’t afford to send the new soldiers
> home for the holidays, then fly them back to Ga to finish up their
> training. Fortunately the drill sergeants are thinking outside the box and
> they are going to have the soldiers do all of their training, and for the
> last week where they clean gear and weapons, they are going to be pulling
> some all nighters to get it done in time.
> On Oct 22, 2013, at 9:40 PM, Maureen <mamamaur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Each time someone rails about spending cuts, I send them a link to the
> > budget page, and ask them exactly what they want to cut.  I have yet to
> get
> > a response that recommends any specific cuts - just a lot of sound and
> fury
> > about whatever the latest media buzzword is.
> >
> > The average voter is massively ignorant of the reality of government
> > spending.  I've even had someone suggest that the National Park Service
> and
> > NPR receive more money than the Defense Department.  Also, there is a
> > constant meme on Facebook that suggests that all defense employees could
> be
> > pay by cutting the salaries of the President and Congress.  They
> obviously
> > have no sense of the magnitude of cost of a standing army.
> >
> > I'm all for less spending, but for someone to wave the arms and yell "cut
> > spending" or "kill Obamacare" without any plan or clue was to what that
> > involves is just spin and nonsense.
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 10:39 AM, Jerry Milo Johnson <jmi...@gmail.com
> >wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> Actually, the problems is, although they keep talking about reigning in
> the
> >> spending, I don't see a lot of reigning going on.
> >>
> >
> >
> >

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