So let's say I was a tea-baggger. What does that make you? A tea-baggee? I
strange position to want to be in.


On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 8:43 AM, Larry C. Lyons <>wrote:

> Yes that is possible, after all these days the Republican mantra seems to
> be If you can't win legitimately, cheat. Its very interesting to follow
> what happened in the last couple of elections in California after the state
> instituted a non partisan redistricting commission. To a great degree the
> structure of the legislature didn't change, but suddenly the majority of
> races became very competitive. Many legislators in safe seats suddenly
> discovered they had to actually campaign again. It may be a good idea to
> have something similar on a national basis. I suspect that if it were
> instituted many tea bagger congress critters would be replaced with much
> more reasonable moderate legislators.

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