Sorry, I have a lot of links around.

That's describing the program I was put in, the next link gets into it and
lists the law

I am not sure where it says on that page that you are not allowed to be
gainfully employed,
On Jun 1, 2014 8:06 PM, "LRS Scout" <> wrote:

> I am prohibited by law from maintaining gainful employment
> On Jun 1, 2014 5:07 PM, "Eric Roberts" <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Bullshit Tim.  You have only been experiencing the VA for a couple of
> > years.
> > I first started going to the VA when Clinton was in office.  I saw
> > firsthand
> > how it nosedived from day one of the Bush Administration and it fell
> > deep...much like our economy fell deep thanks to him.  Not only did Bush
> > rape the funding for the VA, which would have caused some problems on
> their
> > own, with the introduction of 2 wars, he also exponentially increased
> > number of people relying on the VA for services.  Add to that the rape
> > the economy which added even more burden to the VA, I am surprised we
> > as
> > good of a service as we do out of the VA.  Quit whining that you are
> > getting
> > denied shit because you broke the law.  While I disagree with pot being
> > illegal...if you want to break the law and use it anyway, then that is
> > you and you alone.  Take responsibility for your own actions.  You are
> not
> > prohibited by law from maintaining gainful employment.  You will lose
> some
> > of the free benefits if you reach a certain income level.  You are not
> > being
> > denied shit.  I am also going to call bullshit on being denied medical
> > care.
> > You cannot be refused medical care.  That is illegal.  All veterans are
> > eligible for care at the do not have to be rated or disabled.
>  The
> > scale it based on whether or not you are disabled and sevice connected
> and
> > if not, then it is based on income on what you have to pay as far as
> copays
> > for visits and prescriptions.
> >
> >
> > Eric
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: LRS Scout []
> > Sent: Sunday, June 01, 2014 2:02 PM
> > To: cf-community
> > Subject: Re: So this is why the GOP is backing off healthcare reform as
> > platform...
> >
> >
> > Only eight of those years are thanks to Bush.
> >
> > If you don't want the job don't apply for it.  We're pretty deep into
> > second term to still be blaming the last guy.
> >
> > You are taking out your ass about the VA.
> >
> > While the health care issues are regional, due to the way the VA is
> > organized, the problems on the benefits (VBA) side are equally insane,
> with
> > huge backlogs and major civil rights violations all over.
> >
> > The surveys themselves are conducted internally, I have no faith in them
> > what so ever, this organization is riddled with inefficiency and
> > corruption.
> >
> > The rules are totally different for us, forever.  Your HIPPA protections
> > don't exist for us.  Our 4th and 5th amendment rights basically don't
> > exist,
> > our private medical information, including therapy notes and shit, is
> > freely
> > shared with federal law enforcement, without a warrant.  My property has
> > been stolen, without a warrant, my home searched, with out a warrant.
> >
> > I've been detained multiple times.  Local officers have lied to my
> > neighbors
> > and told them I have warrants, but I haven't even been accused of a
> crime.
> >
> > I'm prohibited by law from "maintaining gainful employment" because I'm
> too
> > nutty to work, bit I'm denied ssdi based off doctors records that I
> > pot.  So I don't get half of what I'm supposed to, and now in even being
> > refused medical care for staph and MRSA because my doctor screwed up my
> > meds
> > and appointments, and lied in my record to cover her mistake.
> >
> > It takes an average of 45-60 to see your primary care doctor here,
> > to
> > get to a specialist, but you can't be scrolled for the specialist
> without a
> > referral from primary care, so you're looking at a four month minimum
> wait
> > to see a specialist.
> >
> > Something a lot of outsiders miss is that the VA is scaled.  The vast
> > majority of people who have earned it don't use it, even those who do
> > it
> > mainly use it as part of their health care, and aren't rated and
> > at
> > all.
> >
> > The real problems in the system begin when you are rated at 30% and they
> > start becoming involved in every aspect of your life.
> >
> > The clinics are well funded, the medical staff is mainly top notch, with
> > the
> > exception of the many foreign doctors, who often do not have the empathy
> > and
> > cultural awareness this situation requires, and lack a respect for the
> > special nature if their customer base.  The main problem on the health
> care
> > side is in administrators.
> >
> > The VA is the epitome of a federal bureaucracy run amok.  The
> > administrators
> > are bitter, entitled, king term government employees who know how hard
> > is
> > to get fired.  It often seems add though there job is denial of
> > and it is.  This is an attitude that was fostered after Vietnam die to
> > large
> > scale fraud by veterans and liars that has since been stamped out.  Now
> it
> > serves to save them money.
> >
> > Many veterans refuse to use VA health care it other benefits due to the
> > Times and difficulties involved, and the impacts on the individual.  For
> > many years it's seemed like this has been a coordinated effort.
> >
> > Christ the evil deranged domestic terrorist combat veteran is now a
> > talking point, even if a statistical anomaly.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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