Conservative viewed in science and the drug war are at odds with reality
too though.

Much of the conflict around the world stems from our direct involvement.
On Sep 9, 2014 10:56 AM, "Rick Faircloth" <> wrote:

> Yes, I watch Fox News AND CNN's talk/dicussion shows to stay aware of other
> viewpoints.  However, Fox is willing to call a spade a spade. Other news
> media
> is simply a liberal mouthpiece, for the most part.
> Obamacare a success?!? That viewpoint is just unbelievable. It's STILL a
> failure,
> being unable to bring the most critical funcationality online.
> (Connecting to the
> insurers that pay the bills!) No one even know whether people are getting
> appropriate subsidies or not. Just wait until the IRS starts demanding
> money
> back from those who have received subsidies and it's finally determined
> that
> they received too much of the PUBLIC'S money.
> When the Employer Mandate kicks in, it will really hit the fan. People
> will lose
> jobs, employers will stop offering healthcare, and the price of service,
> when it's
> available, will skyrocket. Insurance prices are higher all the time.
> Don't just consider
> premiums... out-of-pocket costs BEFORE Obamacare kicks in are through
> the roof!
> If you want to elaborate on how Obamacare is a PRACTICAL, SUSTAINABLE
> success,
> then I'm all ears. Let's hear it.
> Look around you, Vivec. The world is already in flames and chaos.
> Conservative
> views (not just Republican views) will bring some reason and order back
> into this world.
> The views I refer to are the views on which this country was founded and
> they
> are the only views that can bring a consistent state of prosperity to
> this nation.
> PS - And if you really believe Iran can be trusted at all, you, like
> Obama, are being
> played... sucker.
> On 9/9/2014 10:24 AM, Vivec wrote:
> > Yeah. RIck is why I think we are all in a pile of crap if the GOP wins.
> >
> > Just the one quote he used as justifications shows that he is running
> based
> > on what Fox news and the right wing media in the US says.
> >
> > Obamacare has been a resounding success, and this has been recognised
> > objectively worldwide.
> >
> > Obama has also achieved more with less bloodshed than bush before him.
> > Single case in point, Getting Iran to the negotiating table and keeping
> > them non-weaponized without a war.
> >
> > America's economy has surged after one of the worst global recessions
> > (which it caused) in history under Obama's economic policies.
> >
> > But you are right, Rick. The GOP is at war, and America and the rest of
> the
> > world is collateral damage.
> >
> > That is why it baffles me how incompetent the democrats are at PR and
> > winning an election.
> >
> >

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