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-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Stroz [] 
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2014 8:04 PM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: What the iPhone 6 does better than the rest

I was an Apple convert. Had a 17 inch MacBook pro. Wife and I both had I
phones. I was all in.

When it came time to replace the MacBook Pro, I tried to justify the cost
difference. For me, a Mac did not make me more productive. Many claim it
makes them much more productive - leading me to believe that either I did
not know how to use OS X, or they don't know how to use Windows. None of the
tools I use for web development are Mac specific and are all cross platform.

For me, I saw no advantage of one OS over the other, so I went with what
cost less. Which was a Windows machine from Dell.
On Sep 27, 2014 8:20 PM, "Bruce Sorge" <> wrote:

> IMO, you get what you pay for. I was a devout windows and android 
> user. I used to mock apple folks. Then I was offered a work in kind 
> deal, and for some reason, I chose to be paid in the form of a 17" 
> MacBook Pro. It took a while, but in the end, I was a convert. Now I 
> have an iPhone, iPad and of course the Mac. I love them all. I love 
> the interoperability of all three devices. I am looking forward to 
> Yosemite to come out for the Mac to see what new level of 
> interoperability I get. I still have two Windows machines in my house. 
> they run Windows 7 and 8. I don't know why I hang onto them, but on 
> rare occasions I will fire one up. I may turn one of them into a linux 
> machine running Apache, PHP and ColdFusion as well as MySQL for a
development web server since the sites I host are all on Linux servers.
> I don't think that Apple does anything "revolutionary". IMO, it 
> appears to me that they see what's out there, what people like and 
> don't like, and make/upgrade a product that has the things that folks 
> want, and not much of what they don't want. Again, my opinion.
> I don't mind that Apple waits a while to develop something that 
> Android has been doing for a while. I am patient. I was not jonesing 
> for a SWYPE keyboard, but as soon as I upgraded my iPhone to iOS 8, I 
> paid the whopping
> .99 cents to get it. I am looking forward to seeing how the iWatch is 
> going to work. From what I read, Apple took what Samsung has been 
> doing with their watch, and making tweaks so that it's what people 
> want, and leaving out what they don't want.
> In the end, its all about what you like. I won't bash a windows or 
> android user (I will bash Windows 8 though) just because they like their
> As was said in this thread, to each their own.
> Sent from my iPad
> > On Sep 27, 2014, at 8:07 PM, Zaphod Beeblebrox <
>> wrote:
> >
> >
> > The click wheel interface was pretty innovative at the time. I 
> > remember that my brother had one from Dell at the same time I got my 
> > first iPod classic. Hands down, it was easier to navigate the iPod. 
> > The other difference was the quality of the components.  Audiophiles 
> > would use the iPod along with the FLAC codec to store their digital 
> > collections because of the quality if the DAC.
> >
> > As for apple products being overpriced, I'm sure there are a lot of
> people
> > that feel that way. I don't happen to be one of them.  I also  think 
> > that other companies have quality products e.g. Lenovo, but you end 
> > up
> spending
> > a similar amount because you have to get the higher end product.
> >
> > On Saturday, September 27, 2014, Eric Roberts < 
> >> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> How did they do an MP3 player better than anyone else?  Even the 
> >> cheap crappy ones you can buy for 5 bucks play music just as good.  
> >> My old Creative Labs MP3 player that came out long before there was 
> >> ever an
> iPod
> >> played music just as good as an iPod years before there was an 
> >> iPod.  It synced with my computer's music folder...the only thing 
> >> special about it was the introduction of iTunes to download 
> >> music...though if I remember correctly, my player hooked up with 
> >> Rhapsody.  I never saw what was so innovative about it.  Apple 
> >> products are overpriced status symbols.
> Ever
> >> since the PC's became just as powerful in the graphics department, 
> >> Apple hasn't been anything special.  Hel...the only way they were 
> >> able to
> improve
> >> their OS was to make it a Linux shell...
> >>
> >> Eric
> >>
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Vivec [ <javascript:;>]
> >> Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2014 10:28 AM
> >> To: cf-community
> >> Subject: Re: What the iPhone 6 does better than the rest
> >>
> >>
> >> The apple iPod was a game changer ^_^ They did the dedicated 
> >> digital music player better than anyone else ever did, or has done 
> >> since ;-D
> >>
> >> On 27 September 2014 11:12, Scott Stroz <
> <javascript:;>>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>>
> >>> people would claim it was a 'game changer' and that Apple
> >
> >

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