Not here any more, but noticed your posting and thought you'd like this:

Basic EEG kit for desktop and mobile.

>I've never cared for new years activities or celebrations...till now. I'm
>making my first new years resolution.
>I resolve to be more active. I'm going to write more, talk more, and maybe
>even get to a conference. I'm going to create and release, teach and
>answer, talk and listen. I'm going to take what I've left fallow and grow
>it bigger and better.
>I'm going to buy 2 1 gig memory chips for my computer so I can run XP
>I'm going to eventually buy a new computer
>I'm going to get enough work/whatever to pay off my debts and then buy
>myself an EEG set so I can work on my focus, concentration, and drive to do
>I'm going to get all the knowledge and research in my head out to others
>through articles, examples, etc.
>I'm going to do and be better. I'm not going to let anything get me down or
>hold me back.
>So now that I've defined the almost impossible for my resolution, what do
>you resolve for the new year? ;) 

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

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