I am looking at options for how to structure the file system for the mobile
portion of a site.  Before I commit to coding, I would like to figure out
the best way to go about this.

I could create a subdirectory /mobile/, but that is two sets of code base
to maintain and changes would have to be made in two places going forward
for site wide changes.

The other option I can see is conditional code implemented in the main
site, with alternate layout files(fusebox site) and tweaks to the generated
html in the dsp_ files.  Basically a big cfif in the dsp_ pages based upon
user agent.  I can see it getting messy as there may not be a direct
correlation for all files and the mobile site may fork from the desktop
version a bit.

This is my first mobile site so I am learning and making it up as I go.

Lastly, I'm not even sure if it is worth it.  I get bugged by google
webmaster tools about mobile usability issues, and I would like to address
that.  I am hoping to get a boost in rankings, but I don't know how valid
that hope is.  Can anyone shed some light?

It's an ecommerce site, and I don't plan on implementing check out for
now.  More of a "browse our stuff and buy from your desktop" thing.  I will
probably add check out down the line, but one step at the time.

I'm sure most of you have much more experience in this than I, so any help
is very much appreciated.  Thank you.

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