These policies of cramming the most people into one airplane are getting out of hand...

Dallas, TX - Feeling what can only be described as "invincible" Southwest Airlines has 
instituted yet another
controversial policy this morning. Alexandra Jones, spokeswoman for SWA, held a press 
conference at Dallas-Fort Worth
International Airport announcing the airline's new policy. "It has been our experience 
that midgets are taking up
entirely too little space that could be re-sold to actually double our profits. I 
mean, you can't expect to be 4 feet
tall and take up an entire seat on one of our planes, it's just not feasable, not to 
mention a total waste of space."

"During pre-flight instructions, all midgets on board the plane will be gassed and 
stored in the overhead compartments
and their seats resold." Jones told a slackjawed press corp. "We have instructed all 
of our flight attendents to lure
the little people into a false sense of security by pretending to show them how the 
oxygen masks work. When they have
the mask securely in place, a mild barbituate is released leaving the dwarves 
unconscious for 5-10 hours." Jones said.
"Our goal is to provide the most comfortable flying experience possible, whether it be 
in a seat or an overhead bin."

This of course was not the first "insensitive" policy instituted by SWA. Last week 
Southwest Airlines announced a
controversial new policy requiring severely obese people to purchase two tickets in 
order to fly. This announcement sent
shockwaves through the some of the largest people in America. Reaction by fat people 
across the country was nearly
immediate. After finishing dinner large numbers of large people lumbered their way to 
the nearest snack shop to discuss
ways to protest what they considered unfair prejudice. The meeting was cut short 
however when a shuttle bus to Ponderosa
passed by. The ACLU has said they are looking into the new policies.

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