two scenarios...

1.) I was driving west from Winnipeg to Calgary (actually sleeping in the 
back seat) - BOOM - we are in the ditch. Icy roads, 3 cars went in just 
before us - cell phone - 10 minutes we are towed out of the ditch and back 
on the road ... $35 f-n well spent.

2.) I am at a friends apartment and we end up watching a movie on satellite 
- I go back to my car in guest parking (3AM) - and its been towed - no guest 
parking from 2-6am. $55.


Parasites. what else can you say.

We talked about burnout. I almost posted. and what I would have said was - 
we created this world.

Here's a no brainer for ya - work 14 hours a day behind a computer for your 
lifetime... and it'll kill ya.


From: cfhelp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: CF-Community <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Tow Truck Drivers
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 21:27:22 -0500

I don't remember ever cutting a deal for lot storage but we have a about 200
acres on Duncan Road, another 50+ on 40hwy and 7Hwy is the garage with a
small lot. So the need for space wasn't problem.


Just remember at 2:00 in the morning when you call the tow service you are
waking a total stranger up to come help you. So if he wants $25 hook-up plus
mileage that's not too bad.

Our driver's were on call 24 hours and it gets to you after long nights of
sweeping up broken glass, car parts and trash while listening to people
crying about there dead friends in the back seat. Its worse when they are
watching you sweep and wash the blood off the road. Then unless they were
injured and ride in the ambulance you give them a ride?

As for the total to pick up your car, you would get billed from the City or
County not us. The $15 is what we charged the City or County to tow so if
you picked it up the same day we wouldn't charge you anything and you have
to have your receipt from the City. Come the next day and it's a day for


-----Original Message-----
From: Cantrell, Adam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 1:55 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Tow Truck Drivers

So if I was towed in Jackson County, it would only cost me $15 to retrieve
my car if it was the same day? Or is that the amount you would have to pay
the city per car?

Chicago has their own city towing and auto-pound. It costs roughly $150 and
a $20 cab ride to pick your car up. The auto-pound is HUGE. Tons of old
junkers just laying around. The funny thing is that the nicer your car is,
the further back in the pound they'll put it. If you drive a mercedes or
something like that, plan on walking a good 1 - 2 miles before you reach
your car. You'll pass other cars that look like they've been sitting there
for years, but I guess they thought the back was a better spot for yours.

Private lots are a different story. If you're not on city property, the
owner has to make arrangements with a private towing company. This is where
I'd think most of the arrangements are made. "Hey, I'll tow your lot for
free, and give you 25%". Did you ever do things like that when you towed
cars - like make deals with the lot owners on how big of a cut they'd get?

Also, nothing personal, but wasn't being a tow truck driver really low on
your morale? I know it's a necessary evil and everything, but most people I
speak to despise towers/meter-maids/dept. of revenue etc. Did that ever get
to you? I guess helping a stranded motorist at 2am would be rewarding, but
that seems little compared to the amount of grief you'd get for towing
people's cars.


 > -----Original Message-----
 > From: cfhelp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 > Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 12:19 PM
 > To: CF-Community
 > Subject: RE: 425 arrested at KMart
 > We own (or used to until Insurance went up from 9/11) a tow
 > service in Blue
 > Springs MO And for years were the Police and Jackson County
 > Sheriffs tow
 > service. Each year you have to bid on the accounts it is
 > usually around $15
 > a tow. Where we make the money is the impound fee at about
 > $40 a day storage
 > less the 1st day.
 > Rick
 > -----Original Message-----
 > From: Cantrell, Adam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 > Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 11:53 AM
 > To: CF-Community
 > Subject: RE: 425 arrested at KMart
 > This is a Tow Truck driver's dream - 400+ vehicles all in one
 > area with the
 > police dept's ok. Figure $200 a pop, and they had an
 > excellent night (that's
 > $80k). Do the police get a cut of this is the question?
 > The best was when I was arrested for speeding on my motorcycle (yes
 > arrested), and the cop had me follow him to the police
 > station so he could
 > hand-cuff me and throw me in a cell. My girlfriend came to bail me out
 > within an hour or so, and my bike was still waiting outside
 > to be towed. The
 > cop saw that my bike wasn't towed yet, so he had the clerk
 > pull me back into
 > a cell (after I had already paid the bail and was walking out of the
 > station). The reason was that they "forgot some paperwork",
 > even though I
 > didn't receive any extra paperwork after they let me out the
 > second time.
 > They released me the minute after they towed my bike, my
 > girlfriend sat
 > outside and watched them do it.
 > The moral of the story - it's mostly better to just kiss an
 > officer's ass
 > than it is to speak with them as if they'll act like an
 > adult. Most cops
 > aren't adults, they're more like big cross-guards, only with a gun, a
 > moustache, and a really bad attitude. They quickly sense if you aren't
 > kneeling to their granted authority and will use every trick
 > in the book
 > against you at that point. This is where aggravation takes on
 > a new meaning,
 > is when they're out to get you, and get you they shall -
 > they're experts at
 > it. It's better to just take their advice and remain silent (smart ass
 > comments cause even more trouble - you're only writing yourself more
 > tickets), and let your lawyer do your dealings.
 > Sorry if I sound bitter :o)
 > Adam.
 > > -----Original Message-----
 > > From: Vinny A DiDonato [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 > > Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 9:58 AM
 > > To: CF-Community
 > > Subject: Re: 425 arrested at KMart
 > >
 > >
 > > I saw pictures of the actual raid on a sportbiker website I
 > > frequent.  There
 > > were scores of flat-bed trucks with dozens of motorcycles on
 > > them and towtruck
 > > after towtruck with cars in tow.  It looked like the cops
 > > were kicking ass and
 > > asking questions later.
 > >  I have the utmost respect for law enforcement, but I feel
 > > that the raid on the
 > >  hangout here was a little ridiculous.  Perhaps the sergeant
 > > in charge was
 > >  bored that night, or he/she had something personal going.
 > >
 > >  Apparently, some of the guys at the raid were "stunters",
 > > who ride their bikes
 > >  to the extreme and were known to cause trouble here and there.
 > >  If you want to go in and nail the troublemakers, do so.  By
 > > arresting innocent
 > >  people in the area (which included taking a 10 year old girl
 > > into custody!),
 > >  you do nothing to help your cause.  I can't see why a few
 > > squad cars couldn't
 > >  roll into the area with their lights blazing and tell the
 > > loiterers to
 > >  disperse or face arrest.
 > >
 > >  Admittedly, I don't know the cop's side.  I just can't help
 > > but feeling what
 > >  they did was completely unnecessary and a tremendous abuse
 > of power.
 > >
 > >  I don't find it funny at all.
 > >
 > >  -V
 > >
 > >  -----Original Message-----
 > >  From: Kevin Graeme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 > >  Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 10:25 AM
 > >  To: CF-Community
 > >  Subject: 425 arrested at KMart
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > >  A little funny, a little sad.
 > >
 > >  -Kevin
 > >
 > >
 > >

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