Amen :)

Man when i read through the abuse newsgroups some of these antispam people
are just wackos.
I mean i was reading where they sent 1 guy DEATH THREATS and a dead cat in
the mail.

Thats just messed up. I mean ok i know garbage spam is not always fun but
come on death threats? Some people just need to get a hobby ;).
And i agree its just a power trip. And its completely stupid i have a
connection through a colo where we have 14 backbone connections. The colo
has had to make alot of fake routing and what not just to keep the AntiSpam
Crusaders from getting him kicking from all his backbones. I mean its crazy
and he doesnt even send the crap porn spam or the real spam (Stuff with no
real headers) thats the stuff thats illegal. As upsetting as it is sometimes
to get bulk mail THAT you get when you sign up for something like hrm
hotmail and you forget to uncheck the GIVE MY NAME AWAY box then you're
gonna get spam. Hell when you sign up for something like BMG or columbia
house they sell your names. If they can get the illegal spam taken care of
the the places that dont remove you like is obligated by law ok then we can
get upset.

Bill Wheatley
Senior Database Developer
Macromedia Certified Advanced Coldfusion Developer
954.360.9022 X159
ICQ 417645
----- Original Message -----
From: "jon hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 7:40 PM
Subject: Re: 9/11 SPAM

> Have you ever run a half dozen or so mail servers for a couple
> thousand domains, or an ISP? How about both at the same time?
> It's hell trying to keep the spam nazi's at bay. We have many more
> problems with the nazi's than we do with spammers. Actually I can
> think of only 3 times someone has spammed from our system in 3 years
> (1 of which we caught as it was happening and stopped it), but the
> number of times we have been blacklisted is probably near 9 or 10. The
> funny thing is, that none of the blacklists were for actual spam, some
> were legit misconfig's on our side, but most are lame testing scripts
> from these guys who have their own agendas. Not to mention that even
> though they know everything about email, they can't send a warning
> email to postmaster before blacklisting. That in an of itself should
> tell you something. They are on power trips.
> The biggest problem I have is the people who want to have all ISP's
> block outgoing port 25. Screw them, they are idiots. They can all pay
> the support bill that enabling smtp auth will cause as well.
> All of the big spammers these days have their own connection to a
> backbone anyway. The only solution to spam is a major technical
> overhaul of the internet, away from transparency, or legislation. I'd
> prefer to see anti-spam legislation wrapped up in a consumer
> protection bill as well. Any bill outlawing spam directly is going to
> be ineffectual, unless the receiver can go after the company who
> spammed.
> Another problem is the ISP's where some punk spam nazi set
> up an anti-spam system and then leaves, and something goes wrong.
> I once spent 2 weeks bugging one ISP in particular to fix their
> system, and remove us from their system. They didn't have anyone on
> staff who understood the system!
> --
>  jon
> Wednesday, September 11, 2002, 3:32:55 PM, you wrote:
> JJ> How can that possibly be a good note unless you are on the side of
_evil_ (read spammer)?
> JJ> I hope the ISPs and spam blockers get MORE strict (and also more
> JJ> Please Santa, pretty please!
> JJ> Jerry Johnson
> >>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/11/02 03:13PM >>>
> JJ> But on a good note i hope the lawsuit a few BULK mailers are filing
> JJ> major ISPS and SPEWWWS and spamcop go well and they get there stupid
> JJ> holes removed and let it be a little less fanitical about when you are
> JJ> to block bulk emails.
> JJ>
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