BTW - re: wineskin,

Philip doesn't drink.
But Erika makes up for that <hee hee>.


> Erika: (leaning her head on Philip's shoulder) Remeber back when we used to
> work with computers and programming and all that stuff, honey? (Exhaling and
> putting her feet up.)
> Philip: (reaches for the wineskin from the hand of his beloved) Ahhh yes, my
> dear! We had some fun times, didn't we? 
> Erika: (smiling broadly) Yes my sweetums... Of course that was before Hans
> showed us just how much fun milking a cow can be! (opening her mouth to
> receive a squirt of the finest local Riesling)
> Philip: Darling warling, it looks like the fire is starting to die out...
> why don't you throw a couple more logs on the fire ... we need to keep an
> even temperature under that cheese vat - I want to get out and greet the
> morning with my Alpenhorn!
> Erika: Of course, honey-muffin. I do love the way you play with that horn!
> Did you get enough yogourt and figs? You must keep your strength up!  
> Philip: I wonder if they ever miss us over at cf-community.....
> Erika: Yea.. me too! (raising the wineskin again) Here's to all of them
> wherever they may be! (leaning over to Philip) Oh my, is that an Alpenhorn
> in your pocket or are you happy to see me? 
> (.....static sounds... signal breaking up... end of transmission)
> > Patrick Harkins
> > Research Application Support Specialist
> > Shur-Gain
> > 150 Research Lane Suite 200
> > Guelph ON 
> > N1G 4T2
> >        (519) 823-7017
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