Don't forget the House of Fusion mailing lists (Best CF Web Service) and HOF/FA on 
Best Web Site!

Vote one, vote all .. : )

Judith Dinowitz
Mistress of the House
House of Fusion
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Simon Horwith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 8:38 PM
Subject: RE: last day to vote CFDJ awards

> ditto for the fig ;)
> Simon Horwith 
> Macromedia Certified Instructor 
> Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5 Developer 
> Fig Leaf Software 
> 1400 16th St NW, # 220 
> Washington DC 20036 
> 202.797.6570 (direct line) 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 18:45
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: last day to vote CFDJ awards
> ***** Vote today 10/1/02 *******
> Today is the last day to vote in the CFDJ awards - if you haven't already
> voted
> please vote today at:
> If you have already voted then thank you for your support!
> You can get a free 3 month subscription to CFDJ magazine after voting.
> TeraTech has been nominated for best CONSULTING and best TRAINING company.
> ColdFusion company. We just need a few more votes to win and your vote could
> make the difference! Don't forget to vote for House of Fusion in other
> categories too!
> TeraTech has supported the ColdFusion community since 1998! Now is your
> chance to help us out in return. :-) Thanks!
> BTW CFDJ uses our CFXGraphicsserver software for graphing the voting
> results!
> TeraTech ColdFusion Community support
> *************************************
> Here are some of the ways we have helped the CF community:
> * CF Conferences including CFUN-99, CFUN-00, CF-2001, Fusebox
>   CF_Scale, CF_Underground
> * ColdFusion tag chart
> * Run MDCFUG
> * Helped other CFUGs get started
> * Run CF community websites,
> * Publish helpful articles on ColdFusion in Fusion Authority,
>   MDCFUG article site and CFDJ magazine.
> * Answer questions on MDCFUG-L listserv and other lists
> TeraTech provides excellent consulting and training and
> is the CF company that is both knowledgeable and friendly.
> Your vote counts
> ****************
> Please vote today at:
> Although it is several screens, it took me only a few minutes to complete
> the ballot. Thank you for your help
> Regards
> Michael Smith
> TeraTech
> PS You can only vote once, so if you have already voted thanks for your
> support
> already!
> ********************************
> * After you vote you can get a *
> * 3-month free subscription to *
> * CFDJ magazine!               *
> ********************************
> --
> Please vote for TeraTech in the CFDJ awards at:
> Michael Smith, TeraTech Inc
> CF , VB, SQL, Math programming
> 12221 Parklawn Dr Ste 200, Rockville MD 20852-1711 USA
> Voice: +1-301-881-1440 x110, 800-447-9120  Fax:301-881-3586
> Web:
> Email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 66057682
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