Retired U.S. Army officer Ralph Peters wrote an article in the Wall Street 
Journal over two months ago, on July 27, that appears to be just as 
appropriate today. Excerpts:
"Why are Palestinian terrorists allowed to target civilians without 
exciting an international outcry, while every accidental civilian death 
inflicted by Israel is a crime against humanity? Europe's reflexive 
anti-Semitism doesn't really matter much, since today's Europeans lack the 
power, will and courage to act upon their bigotry. But the Bush 
administration needs to stop pandering to corrupt Arab regimes and to 
recognize that Israel is fighting for its life; that Israel is fighting 
with great restraint; and that Israel's pursuit of terrorists is every bit 
as legitimate as our own. Instead of criticizing Israeli policy, we should 
be studying it...
"When terrorists attempt to hide amid the civilian population, we must 
pursue them without hesitation. They cannot be allowed a single safe haven. 
If they use their neighbors as shields, it is the terrorists who are to 
blame should civilians die. If they attempt to use their families as cover, 
they will be responsible for the deaths of their own loved ones. The world 
must learn that, when civilians allow terrorists to use them, the civilians 
become legitimate military targets...
"[C]ritics will tell you that by killing civilians in their attacks, the 
Israelis--or the Americans--simply turn other civilians against them. This 
is nonsense. Civilians who shield the enemies of Israel or the U.S. are 
already anti-Israel or anti-American. But if our strikes against the 
masters of terror come to seem inevitable, those same civilians will turn 
against terrorists who try to use them as living shields--as villagers in 
Afghanistan already have done.
"Terrorists and their supporters must learn that they will be allowed no 
hiding places. Not in their homes, not in churches or mosques, and not in 
foreign countries to which they might flee. This is a war that must be 
fought without compromise. It is, above all, a contest of wills. Every 
apology is a surrender."
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