This is actually amusing. Someone converts to Judaism and is in all ways as
if he was born to a Jewish mother in the eyes of someone religious but he
doesn't fit into the 'Jewish race' box of Beth. I'm not knocking you Beth, I
just find the reversal of normal roles to be very amusing.
There is someone who you would not consider Jewish that we would. :)

> > But Beth, if you convert to the Jewish religion, you automatically
> part of the Jewish race. You get the national/cultural as well >as the
> religious aspects of it. That's the whole meaning of Mikvah (immersion in
> the ritual bath) -- it's as if you've become a new person, >and have
> connected to Judaism, religion, culture and all.
> i know that you believe this, but i can't.  i have tried, but conversion
> doesnt' fit in my jewish race box
> but i accept that others feel differently, its all good.
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