
no huhu!

BTW if she doesn't like the Blue Angels, how can she be 
your "better half"? <g>

Her own fault, then, that you got to gal-watch :-)

Re: the parking - we got there at 9:30am...

Y'know "breakfast and lunch" is "brunch" - I coined a 
new word to describe the food at the "Flight Deck Club" 
VIP seats: BUNCH <g> - continental breakfast, followed 
by buffet lunch, then grilled burgers/dogs, and make-
your-own deli sandwiches, then the desserts.  OY.

> Oh, man, Ben, so sorry!  I should have checked if they would be open
> before I suggested it.  I can't believe that there was ANY parking
> available in the Ghirardelli Sq area, considering how many people (and
> how much traffic) was in the immediate area.  Glad you found a good
> spot, and you enjoyed the show.  I sat over by the Maritime Museum, not
> as good of a vantage point as you had, but still pretty impressive.  My
> better half didn't care to join me, saying all the noise was
> undesirable, so I went alone.  Enjoyed the people watching... I love
> this city... so many beautiful people... women specifically...  No
> bwkiniwes (or however Angel said it), but lots and lots of absolutely
> stunning people...
> Anyhow... back to work... the clients are all closed today, but I have
> to work  :(
> ~bgl
> --> -----Original Message-----
> --> Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 8:32 AM
> --> To: CF-Community
> --> Subject: Re: Monday
> --> 
> --> CC-
> --> 
> --> thanx (re: the pic)
> --> she's a sweetie...
> --> 
> --> re: weekend -
> --> Sat. had to go to sister-in-law's birthday party bbq
> --> about 40 miles away. Not a bad time, actually. Get along
> --> ok with that sister-in-law and her husband, unlike the
> --> other sister-in-law :-(
> --> 
> --> Sun. was *awesome* - Fleet Week in S.F. with Blue Angels.
> --> Had VIP tickets out at end of Muni Pier which was show
> --> center. Great weather, plenty of good food, awesome
> --> airshow by a number of performers in addition to Blues.
> --> Wife and I had really good time.
> --> 
> --> Oh, Brian-
> --> the garage under Lombardi's was *closed* Sunday a.m. Had
> --> a stroke of genius, though - went to the Ghirardelli
> --> Square parking garage, only 1 block from Muni Pier, and
> --> up to 12 hours was $15. Not too bad considering.
> --> 
> --> -Ben
> --> 
> --> > Hey everyone... how was your weekend?
> --> > Mine was pretty uneventful. I did go shopping on Saturday in
> --> > Cincinnati, and got to eat at PF Chang's (my favorite restaurant).
> --> >
> --> > I'm starting to get really excited about Devcon... I think it'll
> do me
> --> > good to get out of here for a few :)
> --> >
> --> > Ben B - great pic of you & the wife.
> --> >
> --> >
> --> > Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer
> --> > The Children's Medical Center
> --> > One Children's Plaza
> --> > Dayton, OH 45404
> --> > 937-641-4293
> --> >
> --> >
> --> >
> --> >
> -->
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