In terms of Freedom from Responsibility, we're very free :).  Freedom from
Corruption/Exploitation of our laws, not very free.  These 2 things relate
somehow.   A few examples...

1.  Suing McDonalds for our own obesity
2.  Suing a magazine for a couple million dollars because it said you had a
bad temper
3.  Suing Google because it lowered your ratings after you cheated to
upgrade them
4.  Suing every e-commerce site because you have a patent for an "Automatic
Transaction System".  Which basically says you patented the vending machine
(Search for "PanIP" AND "Sue")
        a.  Going after small companies because they would rather give in and pay
the $30,000 ecommerce license, than pay a million to take things to court.
Isn't this called extortion?
5.  Suing doctors for circumsizing you when you were born

Well those are just a FEW examples of freedom to live by.  Please practice
your right to sue and exploit our laws!

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick McClure [mailto:cf-lists@;]
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 10:45 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: How free are we?

Nothing forbids a private company from putting up an x-ray machine.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larry Lyons [mailto:llyons@;]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 11:36 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: How free are we?
> Not close to impartial? All the items are entirely legit and have been
> the news for a while. The Patriot Act for instance does allow for
> monitoring
> privileged communications between a lawyer and client. Orlando does
> that x-ray machine. What ever happened to the part of the constitution
> that
> forbids unreasonable search and seizure.
> larry

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