Here are some I think are "dummy" flags in CF (last 2 are semi-dummy) :)


Uneccessarily using hashes in a CF TAG

for example, I have a variable time_var and I want another variable to have
its value...

<CFSET new_var = #Time_var#>

While that works, it is not necessary!  It should be <CFSET new_var =

2.  Using too many CFIF tags when you should have used CFSWITCH.

3.  Using CFINSERT.

4.  Not deploying resuable code, especially reusable forms.  While this may
not qualify you as a dummy, it might be a "newbie" or "inexperienced" or
"bad code-monkey" flag :)  For example, if the application has the same
navigation bar on every page, did you code the navigation bar on every
single page, or did you code the bar on one page, and then CFincluded it in
every page?

5.  Consistency...Do you follow some kind of method for naming your
variables?  My variables always start off lowered case.  And I keep it that
way.  Not because it makes CF run better.  But because it's consistent.
This helps in code readability

-----Original Message-----
From: Candace Cottrell [mailto:CottrellC@;]
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 11:49 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Big "dummy" flags

As you all probably know, I am fairly new to CF.

So, I have a client who wants to see a code sample. Are there any "what
a big dummy" flags in cf code that would cause the person to cringe?


Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer
The Children's Medical Center
One Children's Plaza
Dayton, OH 45404


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