Its laughable because all of the people who say OHH that was wrong he was
brown and it was just a racist thing because he was some raghead??

it makes me laugh i mean if people really think that its pretty sad and if i
didnt laugh i would cry about it.

I was getting off track with the sniper thing but sometimes snipers do have
to fire for whatever reason but they aim to netralize the target not to
wound. It was just a point about how in the US if a criminal hurts police
officers or is in a situation where a shart shooter comes into play there
are times when the target has to be neutralized and thats all there is to

The guys in Yemen has to be neutralized the yemeni police couldnt do it lost
12 officers in the line of duty and i'm sure they gave us enough intel to do
it for them. I wouldnt be suprised if that was the case.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jochem van Dieten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: Robotic assassinations.

> William Wheatley wrote:
> > Ever think that yemen gave their blessing to kill those scumbags???
> > Remember the guy killed 12 yemeni police officers whent hey tried to
> > ARREST him.
> > In my book that means dead or alive lol.
> I don't see what is so 'lol' about that.
> > There are many US criminals that kill police officers in the stats and
> > while we dont shoot missiles at them sometimes we do resort to SNIPERS
> > to hit them. Most of the time its for something appriopriate, there
> > are always mistakes but on the norm sometimes people who are violent
> > criminals wind up getting killed instead of arrested.
> I thought snipers were only allowed to fire to protect others from
> immediate danger, not to just execute. After doing so, there is an
> investigation to make sure their actions were justified, hearings, if
> somebody cares about the dead they get to file complaints etc.
> I don't think that what happened in Yemen can be compared to that. The
> amount of public checks and balances in place makes it comparable to an
> act of war, not to an act of policing.
> And if I'm mistaken we are going to see some interesting TV soon :)
> Jochem
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