He thought he had to DRESS a mosquito bite??

Wtf? What sort of mosquitos usually bite this guy? 

I've never 'dressed' a mosquito bite in my life.
Leave it and it goes away in a day...or sometimes even a few hours in my

Do any of you have to dress mosquito bites and treat them
like..well..cuts if you get bitten by a mosquito??


-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 

-------------- Something's Been Bugging Me... --------------

You can imagine how surprised Kevin Gilvary was when he not- iced a
living creature coming out of his back. While changing 
the dressings on what he thought was a mosquito bite, he looked 
in the mirror and saw a "yellowish head sticking out and wiggl- ing."
With one squeeze, the larva popped out on to a tissue and 
was sealed in a jar for Gilvary to examine. 

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