I actually think dying the dogs tail blue and white is sick, but its
harmless.  bad things can happen when one pierces an animal and its a
permanent thing

----- Original Message -----
From: "Judith Dinowitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 8:35 PM
Subject: Re: Nair [was Re: Virus Warning - Honest it is]

> No, I'm saying that people have a choice, and animals don't. Dying an
animal's fur is temporary. Giving a dog a funny haircut is temporary, and it
doesn't hurt. But piercings can hurt. If a person wants to do it to himself,
kol hakavod (all to his honor) -- it's his choice. But piercing a cat for
the purpose of revenge (which is what you're suggesting here, even though
it's a joke) is beyond what I can tolerate.
> Judith
> > So your saying that piercings are sick? Or just piercings on creatures
> > than human? If the first, then you've just insulted a number of list
members who
> > have piercings. If the second, then your holding humans up to a level
> > animals and insulting all those who love their animals the same as (or
> > than) people.
> > Are you saying that Beth dyeing her dogs tail blue and white is sick?
How about
> > dressing it up as a Rabbi or even taking it to a party.
> > On the third hand, you may not be referring to my suggestion about body
art on a
> > cat and just saying that I'm sick in general. I'd prefer that one as it
> > insults me and not large groups of others.
> > Yes, ladies, gentlemen and others, I'm nasty in a fight. ;)
> >
> >
> > > Michael, you are so sick!
> > >
> > > Judith (retching)
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