I was writing a whole long piece to defend my position and Jim just gave me the
winning argument on a silver platter. And the magic word is:

Any argument about cat modification must deal with that. I'm so bummed out. I
had this nice, neat little argument designed to lead Judith down the path to
slaughter (argumentatively that is) and it's all for naught. :(

> Some would debate that putting earrings on babies is cruel as well. We gave
our daughter her earrings at 6 years old -- she wanted them at that age.
Fillings are a necessary evil, and braces are also necessary at times. Hair cuts
and eyeglasses are not in the same category as they don't constitute a permanent
> There are three issues here:
> 1. Does it hurt?
> 2. Is it permanent?
> 3. Is there a reason for it?
> If 1 and 2 apply, there had better be a darn good reason for it, whether
you're doing it on a person or an animal. As in sickness and health. As in life
or death. For braces, sometimes, beauty can be a reason, but I don't see braces
in the same category as piercings. Not when it comes to animals or children.
> Again, adults are a different category -- the same rules do not necessary
apply when an adult makes a decision for him- or herself.
> I don't care if you think I'm making it easy for you, Michael -- These are my
arguments. Have at them. It's fun to fight with you from eight feet away.
> Judith
> > Children have no choice, especially babies. How many babies are given ear
> > within months of their births? For that matter, most parents don't give
> > children a choice when it comes to body modifications. Fillings, braces, ear
> > rings, hair cuts, glasses. I can go on but the point is moot. Most of the
> > that a parent does to a child in the name of the child 'looking good' can
> > be applied to an animal.
> > And that's besides the point. This is not for the purpose of revenge. The
> > original post was about modifying the cat by removing its fur with nair. My
> > suggestion was to use electrolysis and THEN think about additions. I didn't
> > to pierce the cat, just think about it. I think your taking offense at me
> > how many nipples it has. I didn't say to give the cat 6 bells or the like. I
> > just wanted to know how many there were.
> >
> >
> > > No, I'm saying that people have a choice, and animals don't. Dying an
> > fur is temporary. Giving a dog a funny haircut is temporary, and it doesn't
> > hurt. But piercings can hurt. If a person wants to do it to himself, kol
> > (all to his honor) -- it's his choice. But piercing a cat for the purpose of
> > revenge (which is what you're suggesting here, even though it's a joke) is
> > beyond what I can tolerate.
> > >
> > > Judith
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