I'm sorry, was I ranting?  ;^)

Just venting in friendly company really... Some weasel just set up a
similair URL to one of ours with a framed ad.

If you go to www.firstnight.org you see the real site.

If you go to www.firstnightboston.com you see the weasel's site.

We may not have ever noticed except that PayPal (our sales partner)
bombs on the stolen site (due to invalid referer) and people have been
calling the office.

(Oh, and before you say it, I know that I can put in FrameBuster code to
minimize the effect but have (against my recommendation) been asked not
to "so that the lawyer can see" what he needs.  I'm all ready to do so
when I get the green-light.

The odd thing is this isn't the first time this has happened to me.  One
of my old personal sites, vboston.com was stolen wholesale (copied to
another server) and had ads attached.  I actually got some publicity out
of it:


These are from five years ago... I'm actually (pleasantly) surprised
that the links are still active.

So, consider this a warning!  Beware of weasels!

Jim Davis

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