> Yeah right.  Because it has worked so well in Israel, India,
> England and al the other countries that gave up liberty for
> security.  Hehe.  Oh well, anyone have a map to Galt's Gulch?

Sorry, but what liberites have we given up here?

We've got Security, OK, we don't have fire-arms in every home, but we
also don't have people sniping out of the back of cars, or kids shooting
their class-mates because a girl turned them down, or daily drive-by
shootings, etc. etc.

I personally would rather be in a country where I can't be shot because
some asshole decides he's had a bad day for some perceived liberty that
we've lost...

Philip Arnold
Technical Director
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Timothy Heald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 16 December 2002 12:42
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: Living in the UK (RE: Jobs FYI)
> Personally it's an individual liberty issue for me.  I can't
> own forearms of the type or in the numbers that  I do here.
> The media has very severe restrictions placed on what it can
> and can't report, in the name of national security, and I can
> be held for as long as the government sees fit on charges of
> terrorism. Unfortunately we here in the U.S. seem to be
> falling right into step with most of Europe as we slash our
> way through the constitution seeking a safer tomorrow.
>  Sorry got into a Rand frame by other posts.
> Tim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Erika L. Walker-Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 7:38 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Living in the UK (RE: Jobs FYI)
> >>| -----Original Message-----
> >>| From: Angel Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >>|
> >>| Yeah but nobody wants to live in the UK.
> So, I don't get this phenomenom know as "I can't stand the UK".
> Am I missing something?
> Am I blind?
> Living here has such fantastic advantages. You can travel wherever you
> want, whenever you want. The public transit system, while
> having delays
> now and then (what one doesn't) is tops.
> You've got easyjet and ryan air, and all these other air services that
> cart you around EUROPE! For a mere pittance ...
> The culture and history and architecture is fantastic.
> Scenery is great.
> Some of the best skiing in the world is a stone's throw away.
> Whilst America is broad and vast, and people drive larger vehicles ...
> The grass isn't always greener. I certainly enjoyed my stay
> there ... ;)
> (30 years) ... But it's not an oasis. There's still taxes.
> And a lot of
> them. Things aren't ALWAYS cheaper. Depends on where you go.
> Jobs aren't
> any better. In fact you get more paid holidays here in the UK.
> Just confused ... Enlighten me please?!
> Cheers,
> Erika
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